How does the ESTE framework foster my curiosity and creativity?

During your journey this year, hopefully you have discovered much about yourselves and others, especially in terms of how you choose to engage with others and your world. Perhaps you have learned, or strengthened, something about yourself that has allowed you to be the superhero who you are at full capacity.

Fundamentally, the ESTE™ framework (Figure 1) facilitates the exploration of your innate interest or preference in entrepreneurship, science, technology, or engineering. We now know that our preferences are just as important and enlightening as our differences. Throughout the year, and grounded in the ESTE™ framework, you were presented questions that challenged you to try new approaches and ways of thinking, and consider perspectives in both your personal and professional lives:

The author, Elizabeth Gilbert, of the bestselling book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, believes that the ability to create something meaningful and beautiful is a choice and a privilege. At ESTE™, we believe we have opportunities, on a daily basis, to see the meaningful and beautiful in who we are as individuals. To do this, we must relinquish our perhaps antiquated beliefs about ourselves and others, and instead freely embrace the possibilities of believing, thinking, and behaving with curiosity, acceptance, and then more curiosity.

How to leverage the ESTE™ Framework to stimulate curiosity and creativity in your life.

  1. As you understand and accept the uniqueness of individuals and their world, ask yourself the question “What interests me”? about this individual or their perspective as it relates to their world?

  2. Be curious about the discoveries you find about yourself, others, and your world. Ask “what”, “why”, “how” and “who” questions to foster and satisfy your curiosity. You’ll find that curiosity breeds creativity.

  3. As you uncover and stimulate your perhaps ‘hidden’ creative talents, be bold and have fun with this newfound creativity! Apply it to your next project – see how your curiosity has unleashed creativity – in how you approach things, see things, and relate to things.

[Elizabeth Gilbert. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. Riverhead Books. 2015]

ESTE® Leverage - founded in the belief that Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, and Engineering are innate in each of us - grounded in the science of learning & assessment – dedicated to the realized potential in every individual.


Why did I create ESTE Leverage?


How can I apply the ESTE™ framework outside of the classroom?