Parents want their children to feel supported and encouraged to pursue their interests and talents.

The ESTE® Assessment offers parents a friendly approach to uncovering and nurturing their children’s innate abilities.

The ESTE Assessment is revolutionary because it knows that what she wants to do is more important than what others say she can do.

It highlights her strengths and suggests ways to support and develop the skills she excels at and enjoys, fostering a positive and empowering environment for her growth. These innate interests are Superpowers that can help her build a personal brand early on!

The linking of interest - as opposed to performance - to a career is contrary to traditional education which relies on teachers and institutional testing to identify, reward, and track students to careers later. People find personal fulfillment in careers that align with their interests, passions, and values. When you enjoy what you do, you want to improve performance, resulting in a successful career.

After completing their Assessment and discovering their Superpower, young girls in grades K through 12 gain a powerful tool that shields them from negative stereotypes, biases, and adverse experiences in educational settings. This metaphorical shield not only protects them but also paves the way to unleashing their natural curiosity, a superpower in its own right.

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