What Customers Are Saying about the ESTE Assessment
The ESTE Team continues to refine the ESTE Is Innate Assessment based on the framework developed by the CEO and Founder, Terrisa Duenas (see Figure). We are currently tailoring the assessment to better resonate with the middle-school students regarding which questions are asked and how they are asked. The revised set of questions will measure pre-existing levels of STEM and/or ESTE and self-efficacy in a targeted manner to ensure distinct content areas are covered and can be measured and evaluated over time. At the end of the assessment, the student receives a two-word descriptor of their Avatar.
ESTE Assessment Framework
To offer you another perspective and understanding of the ESTE Team, Terrisa Duenas, CEO and Founder, is an Inspiring Engineer. Lauri Hoffher, COO/Acting CPO is a Thoughtful Engineer. Cecilia Duenas, Executive Advisor, is an Energizing Scientist. Holly Feliciano, an Advisor, is a Respectful Scientist. Katherine Simmons, an Advisor, is an Observant Entrepreneur.
Last month, my brother, Jose Duenas (Thoughtful Engineer), and I (Genuine Entrepreneur) had the opportunity to meet with L. P. Untalan Middle School (LPUMS) in Guam where they have almost 1,000 students. The Principal, Assistant Principal, and teachers at LPUMS are excited about their students having access to the Assessment and are demonstrating great support during our continued collaboration! Collectively, the staff at LPUMS agree that it is important to integrate Entrepreneurial thinking, conversations, and insights into the middle-school curriculum. During our visit, Jose and I heard multiple examples of students who were already exhibiting interest in ESTE-related domains based on questions and conversations they were having with their science teachers. We look forward to following up with you after the LPUMS students have taken the Assessment. The staff at ESTE and LPUMS are excited about this next phase in the ongoing development of the ESTE Assessment!
Over the past several months, ESTE Leverage has continued to grow in terms of our customer base. We are grateful for your support, encouragement, and feedback. Here are a few comments from you, our customers, regarding your experience with the ESTE is Innate Assessment:
“My husband and I just took our two girls on a campus tour, and it was FASCINATING to see them ‘pick' different majors that they were innately drawn to from taking the ESTE Assessment! Can't wait for continued convos with ESTE!"
Executive, Coach, Consultant
“I love this company and I want to take mine again because I think I’m thinking more like an engineer now!”
9-year-old Student
“Now I have words to name what it is I do for others.”
Chemical Engineering Professional
At ESTE, we continue to be inspired by those with whom we have had the opportunity and privilege to engage and collaborate. Thank you again for your ongoing communication, support, and feedback. We are grateful to be on this journey with you towards our collective goal to empower our girls.
ESTE® Leverage - founded in the belief that Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, and Engineering are innate in each of us - grounded in the science of learning & assessment - dedicated to the realized potential in every individual.