Why Does ESTE® Work?

Before we answer the question of ‘why ESTE works’, what do we mean when we say ‘ESTE works’?

During adolescence, the exploration of one’s identity is one way to discover oneself [Kleibeuker 2016]. The ESTE Is Innate Assessment helps facilitate identify exploration and the discovery process. The Assessment strives to identify innate qualities and inner passions within the individual. By completing the Assessment, and thereby being exposed to thoughtful and thought-provoking questions, the individual simultaneously learns about herself. Her awareness is piqued and the self-learning that occurs during the assessment often leads to validation, insights, or inspirations. In other words, the individual can realize that the assessment results are aligned with what she feels about herself and therefore validates what she already knows to be true. Or perhaps the Assessment process and/or results generates new, buried, or evolving insights about herself. Or maybe the Assessment altogether inspires new thoughts, learnings, and directions that although are aligned with her innate qualities, are now only surfacing simply through the act of engaging with the Assessment. In whichever manner the Assessment identifies one’s innate qualities and passions, the fact that it does means it works!

Also, we recently shared how the ESTE Assessment scored high in terms of internal ‘Reliability’. Reliability of an assessment signifies the level of consistency and dependability in the assessment’s results. So high reliability means a high level of consistency and dependability. This high reliability is most likely one of the reasons WHY ESTE ‘works’.

Some comments after having taken the ESTE Is Innate Assessment:

“At first, I was surprised, then I said, yes I do do that! The guide helped me see the things that I'm doing by stating them, identifying them. And now, I can lean into it."

                                                                          Respectful Engineer

“The guide affirmed that I'm doing the right thing, that what I'm doing is in fact a logical fit. I didn't realize I've been doing this all along in my career. Of course, I'm that now!"                                                                             

Achieving Entrepreneur


“Now I have words to name what it is I do for others.”

Compassionate Scientist

 “The report content helped confirmed and created some structure for my ideas. This helps with clarity and my decision-making. Now, I just need to take action.”

Persistent Entrepreneur

As the Holiday Season is upon us and we reflect on our personal and professional end-of-year goals, let’s take time to also celebrate, and be present for, family, friends, and other loved ones. On behalf of ESTE Leverage, thank you again for your continued support and for being on this journey with us towards our collective goal to empower our girls!

[Kleibeuker SW, De Dreu CK, and Crone EA. Creativity development in adolescence: Insight from behavior, brain, and training studies. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 2016; 151:73-84]

ESTE® Leverage - founded in the belief that Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, and Engineering are innate in each of us - grounded in the science of learning & assessment - dedicated to the realized potential in every individual.


ESTE® Leverage Celebrates 2023!


What Does a High Reliability Score for the ESTE® Assessment Mean?