Insights & News

Carmen D Lamp Carmen D Lamp

What ESTE Leverage Learned from Moms

Explore insights from ESTE Leverage on how moms are shaping the future of their daughters. Discover strategies to support, nurture, and empower middle-school girls in a rapidly changing world. Learn from real-life experiences and find out how you can help your daughter build self-confidence, manage social media influence, and thrive both in and out of school.

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Carmen D Lamp Carmen D Lamp

Why I Too Joined ESTE Leverage

With the first quarter of 2023 behind us, ESTE® Leverage is well on its way to building a stellar team to carry us through the end of the year…

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Carmen D Lamp Carmen D Lamp

Why Did I Join ESTE Leverage?

This month, we’d like to introduce you to Laurel (Lauri) Hoffher. Lauri has joined ESTE® Leverage as Acting Chief Product Officer. When you read further about Lauri’s accomplishments…

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Carmen D Lamp Carmen D Lamp

Why Did We Join ESTE Leverage?

At the beginning of 2023, if you weren’t already acquainted with the CEO and Founder of ESTETM Leverage, Terrisa Duenas, hopefully you now have a better understanding of the inspiration behind ESTE…

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Terrisa Duenas Terrisa Duenas

Why did I create ESTE Leverage?

As the youngest child of a single widowed mother, the part about needing to be good at a subject in order to pursue it was lost on me or lost in the commotion of 3 other siblings. Maybe my mother…

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Carmen D Lamp Carmen D Lamp

How does the difference between STEM and ESTE™ help me solve problems?

The STEM acronym, introduced in 2001 by scientific administrators at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), was initially SMET. In 2001, the words, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics were rearranged to form STEM. We can think of STEM as describing what you do. ESTE™ is Entrepreneurial, Scientific, Technological, and Engineering. The ESTE™ framework helps in the identification of preferences that you might have in any given point in time. We can think of ESTE as describing who you are.

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Carmen D Lamp Carmen D Lamp

How does ESTE help me relate on a team?

Real-world problems and problems likely to be encountered in any career are frequent and complex. The best solution is often the one that addresses multiple team perspectives and inevitably creates the most disruption. By necessity, these final solutions must cross disciplinary boundaries and, in the end, require team members to relate the value they bring by understanding the value the other team members bring. This relational requirement is one of the pillars of ESTE™.

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Carmen D Lamp Carmen D Lamp

How does ESTE provide the context to teach innovation alongside Science, Technology and Engineering

It’s not to say that our innate preference aligns to only one way of thinking and behaving. It’s meant to imply that we tend to have a preference to lean towards one way of thinking over another. We can think of this framework as more of a spectrum or continuum, as opposed to a box with hard lines, where scientific can overlap and co-exist with technological, which in turn can overlap and co-exist with engineering, and so on.

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Terrisa Duenas Terrisa Duenas

How does ESTE help me if I’m bad at math?

Mentioning "math person" as a euphemism for someone who is bad at math has become commonplace in our society. Many people believe that they cannot do math because they have had negative experiences in the past. Or as Miles Kimball discussed, “I’m just not a math person.”

However, this does not have to be the case! In this article, we will discuss how ESTE™ can help you improve your math skills, regardless of your ability level.

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Terrisa Duenas Terrisa Duenas

How does ESTE help me as an artist?

For both artists and entrepreneurs, each one faces the paradox of giving into a personal vision while requiring the appeal to the public and market. The ESTE™ framework helps entrepreneurs and artists find a way to work together by bridging the gap between business, technology, engineering with art.

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We love hearing from our growing ESTE community. If you have questions or would like to learn more about ESTE Leverage, please contact us.

Send us a note or find us on your preferred social media platform. We look forward to connecting with you!